

At first our picks were designed only as an instrument to make music, with the extra possibility of personalizing them. Little by little we have learned that our clients have given our products very diverse uses. Because of this, we can say we have as many types of clients as there are uses for a pick.




Basically, these clients can be divided into three large groups:



1. Dealers:


Those in charge of distributing and selling our picks to those musicians who buy reduced quantities to play with. Jimy Picks does not sell separate pieces.


If you are a store or a wholesaler distributor you can receive more information under the section "Stores and Wholesalers" which appears on the home menu.


2. Artists and Groups:


The pick is the instrument which gives voice to your guitar or bass, but it can be much more: a prolongation of your work as an artist or group. A personalized pick shows people that you are someone who takes care of all the tiny details of your work, and is a great present to give to your followers.


You can consult all of the projects made by other musicians in the section "Our Customers" from the upper menu of the screen.


3. Publicity and Promotion:


Here are included all those who, being somehow related to music, use the pick as an object to deliver their message to a chosen public:  soft-drink producers, music festivals, bars, brand name clothing stores, radio, television...


You can consult all of the projects made by other musicians in the section "Our Customers" from the upper menu of the screen.